Basic Config
File: config.lua
Debug is a useful tool to test the script for problems or to check if information exists or somethink else. You can find more infos about a debugger here.
With Locale you can specify the language that will be displayed to the player ingame. At the bottom of the config you can see which languages are available. Right now there is only English and German. If you want to help us and you know a language that is not yet available and you want to help us to make your native language usable, then feel free to contact us in support on the discord.
This parameter is the active armyjob on your server. You find this in your ESX database in the job table. At the moment you can add only 1 job, but in later updats you can add infinite job to this.
If you do this on true then not only the job is queried (Config.ArmyJob), but also the grade (Config.MinimalJobGrade).
If you set Config.UseJobGrade to true, then you can specify the minimum grade of the army job that can use the teleport points and so on.
You can set MenuDefaultAlgin to: left, right and center. Those three parameters tell on which side the ESX Menu Default should appear.
ArmySociety is really important if you use a standard ESX job for your army job or if you want the money for weapon crafting to be deducted from the army society. You can find the correct name in the database in the addon_account table. If you have any further questions about this, feel free to ask on our Discord.
Put this on true is you use Jaksam's job creater (We only support this one). If you use an normal ESX job like esx_armyjob put this on false.
This is something for developers only. When you interact with a menu in this script, the menu is reloaded briefly. This number behind is in miliseconds. These miliseconds are waited until the menu opens again, so that the database query have time to be executed. Let this at 100 if you dont know what are do doing.
Leave this option to false if you are using a normal ESX inventory, but if you are using Quasar inventory or other inventory where the weapons are entered as items make this true.
With CanCarsTeleport you can allow or disallow the teleportation of vehicles at all teleport points.
If this is set to true, the script checks every time it starts if you have the latest version on the server. Our recommendation is that this is always set to true.
This one is a little more complicated. If you have Config.UseJobCreater set to true, then you need to specify the ID of your armory here. If you don't use a job creater then you can just leave this at 126. If you need help with this, just join on our discord and make a ticket. (Database table job_data)
Here you can set your own notfiy if you have one, just paste the clientside trigger/export here.
Important!! message
must be specified as text.
Last updated